Pink Golf Tees

Golf Guide: Only Pros Use Pink Golf Tees

Pink castle tees are our most popular colour golf tee. And it’s true not just here at The Bigger Ball, but across the entire golf industry. It is the pink golf tee height that works so effectively - the old reliable. But what’s so good about pink castle tees? What is it that makes them so popular, and where can you get them? In this article, we will be exploring everything you need to know about pink golf tees and why only the top pros use them in their golf game.

What Are Pink Castle Golf Tees?

Pink castle golf tees are used to place the ball on top of when hitting the ball, in order to raise it to a specific height off of the ground, which for pink golf tees is 59mm

Our sustainable pink castle tees have been created using 100% bamboo derived from sustainable sources. The ink that is used to print on the tees is also fully biodegradable. Bamboo is naturally strong and flexible which results in fewer snaps and breakages!

  • Plastic-free
  • Hard wearing
  • Sustainably sourced
  • 100% bamboo smooth finish
  • Vivid design
  • No colour, no problem - we have removed excess waste by not printing ink over the entire golf tee. This means our tees have a natural smooth finish. But don’t worry, you won’t forget what size you’re using - the tees have the word ‘PINK’ printed using eco-friendly practices, using less ink.
pink bamboo golf tee

Bamboo can grow 1000 times faster than common hardwoods such as oak and up to around 3.5ft a day without the use of harmful fertilisers. It is also a type of grass which means it is more flexible and less likely to snap compared to other materials used for golf tees. Bamboo is one of the world's fastest-growing natural resources and it’s also better for the golf course’s mower blades in comparison to plastic alternatives!

By only printing the word of the colour on our tees (as opposed to covering the entirety of the tee in the coloured ink), we save waste and excess ink and this also ensures the tees can be reused if someone happens to lose it and another person finds it.

What Makes Pink Golf Tees So Popular? 

The 59mm height, for most golfers, is the perfect golf tee height to use with a driver. It sits the golf ball just above the top of the driver's head, putting it in an optimal position to hit slightly upward, in order to get maximum distance and the best strike. 

Because of the castle design, this means the ball height will be the same every time you tee up, it eliminates any uncertainty and offers consistency and confidence, two things golfers love. The more elements of doubt you can remove from your game, the better you will play. So, having the assurance that the ball is in the exact same position it was previously, when you hit that perfect drive it can help to lower anyone’s score.

When Is The Best Time To Use a Pink Golf Tee?

When trying something for the first time, in golf, such as in life, it will take a while to get used to, so the best thing to do may be to head down to your local driving range and get used to the feel, positioning and ball flight, before heading out on the course. Naturally, a lot of us play for fun, so if you want to try things out on the golf course and are less interested in breaking par and more interested in having fun then go for it, we can’t stop you! 

pink castle golf tees

Where Can I Buy Pink Bamboo Golf Tees?

When it comes to buying pink tees for golf, we would always recommend looking at sustainable bamboo options, such as the bamboo golf tees we offer here at The Bigger Ball. Our golf tees are available in packs of 20, 40 or with the 80 pack of tees you can save £5!

Although you may not snap plastic tees often, golfers lose a tee and subsequently the lost tee will be caught in mower blades and never to be seen again, apart from wildlife and the ecosystem where it doesn’t belong. Natural bamboo biodegrades and causes no harm to the wildlife or golf course, so shop where you wish - just don’t shop plastic!